Right now, the popularity of litigation PR is on the rise. Litigation PR is basically the handling of public relations at the time of any kind of legal issues. This is very important because it helps manipulate the way everyone looks at the client. It becomes a matter of reputation. Thus, one can notice that law firms are resorting to PR consultants in growing numbers nowadays. One reason behind the coming of public relations into the field of law is the increasing media coverage gained by high profile cases.
When it comes to an organization or even an individual who is something of a public figure, it is very important for him to uphold his reputation. Negative publicity needs to be avoided at any cost and this is where litigation public relations come in.
There are many ways in which litigation PR experts can help attorneys. They PR experts, are extremely important people who help in the preservation of the client’s reputation after the case as well. Everything needs to be taken care of by them – be it the media coverage, the amount of exposure that is good for the case and also making an attempt to help the public and the media understand the case properly. This balancing of the public and the private is something that the PR experts are skilled in. given below are a few ways in which the attorney can make use of public relations: Get hold of a public relations expert who will be there in your team.
Try to select only those PR experts who have a good reputation and expertise in Litigation PR. Give your PR expert all the information about the case so that a good strategy for communicating with the media and the public can be thought of.
Get cracking with your PR expert and select someone who will be the spokesperson for any public appearance related to the case. Try to work together with your PR expert because that will help you to look at things with a broader perspective and might even give you a whole new take on the case.
After you have selected your expert, trust him when it comes to matters of communication with the media.
Make use of the connections that your hired PR expert has. Get the maximum benefit from his resources and get help for the case.
Whenever you are expected to make statements in front of the public or the media, do so only after talking to the expert.
Remember that you are an expert when it comes to the legal field and when it comes to communication; it is the PR agent who is the expert. Working by complementing each other is thus the best way to go ahead. Let the PR expert write the public statements for you in a language that is easily understandable for the public, devoid of the legal jargon.
Even attorneys need to have a little bit of media training so that they do not get cold feet while interacting with the media. You can take a little bit of training from the PR expert as well.