Friday, 11 April 2008

Public Relation Services

Be it the television, the radio or the newspaper or any other media for that matter, they are all filled with advertisements from business houses. All these are done with an attempt to increase the sale, but these advertisements do burn a big hole in the pockets of these business houses, most of the times these advertisements cost a whooping amount of thousands of dollars and thus the effective cost of the product blows out of proportion. A better and a cheaper alternative to advertisement are public relation services, although it is a highly useful technique, its importance has been undermined by most of the business houses till date.

The importance of public relation services is truly understood by manufacturer, entertainment executive, inn keeper, book publisher or any other service provider. What happen when you see a good review of a restaurant that has opened? Don’t you get a good impression about the place, don’t you mentally make a point to visit the place when you are dining out the next time, what happens when David Beckham is seen sporting a new watch? The sales of that watch sky rocket, this is the power of public relation services.

In case of a service industry, a PR has more of a layering effect; the success of a service industry cannot be estimated with the help of direct sales figure. Here very mention of the organization in the newspaper or any media brings the organization in the public view, people begin to know the organization and their trust level increases. Thus in turn they start to use the services that are offered by the organization.

If you are splashed all over the media, people are bond to notice you and that too in good light, by being in the media you are selling a brand name. no matter what your business is, you may be a small concern or in the top 5000 companies, media exposure is very important in order to be seen by the people and to gain their trust and confidence, it is a common belief that if the person is on CNN or the wall street journal then that person has to be good enough to have made it there.

Here you should not undermine the importance of public relation services as well as any media. Radio is as powerful as newspapers or the television. You must be thinking that people put on the radio only in cars while traveling, yes this is mainly true but only in case o commuters, most of the office goes and business officials have their radio on the whole day, in case you are quoted on the radio you will e surprised at the number of people who will come up to you and tell you that they has heard you on the radio.

Public relation services are very important to spread the right word about you and to get you in to the lime light.